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Coder's Crux

Font byNALGames

Coder's Crux

FreeFont byNALGames

Coder's Crux is a fastly-made (sub-2 hours) font designed for coding. It's pixellated and monospaced, and works best at smaller point sizes. When coding I tend to prefer the text be smaller so more fits on the screen, which is why I went with that for this.

Though it's designed for coding, you are welcome to use it for any purpose free of charge, including commercial use. As with all previous fonts, crediting me for its use is not a requirement but I do appreciate it. If you do like the font or get some use out of it, an email letting me know of how you used it or even a small donation will slap a smile across my face. Again, none of that's required! :)
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