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Notch Eight

Font by Alex Westcott

Notch Eight

FreeFont by Alex Westcott

Notch Eight is free for personal use. For all other uses, please contact me at [email protected]

Notch Eight is a modular typeface inspired by railroad bogies-the wheeled platform on which the train cars ride. The flowing lines and wheels themselves make up the modules for this typeface. Angles are pulled from bogie edges, making this a more unique type design. The curves are built off of the in-set sections of the train wheels. When a circle is made, a small design of the center wheel hub will be added, giving this typeface more diversity between letters. Flat pieces are given special treatment as well: Verticals mimic the massive springs while horizontals are side views of actual rails. The numbers are inspired by railroad crossing wig-wags, and are built of only straight lines and circles.
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